We base our Groups model on the early church as described in the Bible in the book of Acts. In Acts, you can read about how groups meeting
in homes helped lay the foundation for tremendous growth in the first church in Jerusalem.
”Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that
Jesus is the Messiah.” Acts 5:42 (NIV)
“You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly and from house to house.” Acts 20:20 (NIV)
Roots is a church of Small Groups, not a church with Small Groups.
We want people to gather together based on things they enjoy and are important to them. Essentially, the things you are already doing in your life are the things that can make up your Group! From sports groups to lunch groups, parenting groups to student groups, Bible study groups to creative arts groups, our groups are as varied as we are. All groups fall within eight hubs:
Men • Women • Marriage and Family • Students • Freedom • Prayer • Outreach • Financial
Life flows in seasons, and we want to make it easy for you to be in the right Group for you in each season. This is why we have new groups that start and stop two times a year in what we refer to as “sessions.”
Winter/Spring – 17 Weeks and Fall – 17 Weeks
Our hope is for every person at Roots to be connected in meaningful community through a Group. With so many groups to choose from, we are confident there is a group that is a great fit for you. You can search which groups are currently meeting by browsing below. Once you find a group that interests you, sign up on the Roots App and make plans to check them out in person.
Below you will find our rootsGROUPS Leader Directory. Take a few minutes to go through the bios of our incredible group leaders & find a couple that stick out to you – whether they are community-based or special interest-based!
Community Groups focus on expanding upon and diving into the message spoken during each weekend experience, as well as additional biblical insights, life applications, themes, and more.
Special Interest Groups are developed around a common interest, passion, hobby, or focus! Our Spring 2025 Semester features several special interest groups : Financial Peace University, rootsRIDERS, & a new group, Marriage 9-1-1 for Marriage Mentorship.
Please contact us at info@myrootschurch.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Kid-friendly groups will be notated above. Generally, we encourage you to find a sitter for your littles so you & your spouse can embrace Groups as an opportunity to spend time together & with other couples!
We have so many different types of Groups to choose from, we're sure there's one that will be perfect for you! Contact info@myrootschurch.com to get in touch with Groups Directors who will get you plugged in!
Absolutely! Click the sign up forms linked above and indicate the new group you'd like to join. We will review your prior group & remove you from that group to add you to your new selection.
Please don't hesitate to let us know ; our hope for you is for you to get plugged into a meaningful community to walk through life with!